• August: Received approval for Phase 2.5 Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation on 7/31/24.  Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch made night of 8/4 thru morning of 8/5. Demolition remediation work and investigation work begin on 8/5/24 for the next 2 weeks.  8/5 – started jacking bridge at Bent 25.
  • July: Awaiting approval for Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation.
  • June: SW Approach asphalt paved 6/7. Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes scheduled for 6/25 but delayed by DOTD.  SW sidewalks placed 6/5-6/6. SW MSE Wall complete 6/6. Slipforming West barrier construction completed 6/21/24. Pedestrian rail installation to be completed 6/28.
  • May: SW Stage B MSE wall closure pour placed 5/13 and level up at SW Stage B MSE wall placed 5/16.   Slipforming West barrier rail installation continues. Span 26 girders set 5/8. Span 25-26 Deck placed 5/20. SW Approach placed 5/28.
  • April: SW MSE Wall construction continues. SW Stage A MSE wall closure pour placed 4/22.   Slipforming West barrier rail installation continues. Pile driving at B25 started 4/12 and completed 4/15.  Abutment work started 4/23 and abutment placed 4/30.
  • March: First Deck placement for Spans 22-24 placed 3/7/24. S22-24 Closure placed 3/19. SW MSE Wall construction continues. West barrier rail slipforming started 3/26.


  • August: Received approval for Phase 2.5 Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation on 7/31/24.  Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch made night of 8/4 thru morning of 8/5. Demolition remediation work and investigation work begin on 8/5/24 for the next 2 weeks.  8/7 – planning to start jacking bridge at Bent 1.
  • July: Awaiting approval for Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation.
  • June: NW Approach Slab placed 6/15.  NW Approach and Engineers Right Turn asphalt placed 6/23-6/24 with additional asphalt work planned on Engineers Rd. Slipforming West barrier construction complete 6/21/24 with pedestrian rail installation to be completed 6/28.
  • May: NW Stage B MSE wall closure pour placed 5/14 with level up placed 5/17. Abutment placed 5/6 and Girders set 5/13. West barrier rail slipforming started 4/4/24 and continues.
  • April: Deck Span 2-3 placed 4/9. Span 2-3 closure placed 4/19.  NW MSE Wall construction continues. NW Stage A MSE wall closure pour placed 4/23.  Pile driving at B1 started 4/18 and completed 4/23. Abutment to be placed 5/3 with Girders scheduled to be set 5/13. West barrier rail slipforming started 4/4/24 and continues.
  • March: Set Girders in Span 2.  Working on Deck placement for Spans 2-3. NW MSE Wall construction continues & prepping for pile driving at B1 to start.


  • August: Inspection and touchup for Spans 12-14 East and painting P1 & P2 cap concrete.
  • July: Finish Span 12 East Stuctural Steel painting during day shift.
  • May and June: Continue painting Stuctural Steel during day and night shifts. Navigation Light installation started 4/22. 36” west barrier rebar alignment started 5/1. Barrier slipformer returned 5/28 and completed 5/29.
  • April: Continue painting Stuctural Steel during day and night shifts. Navigation Light installation started 4/22. 36” west barrier rebar alignment started 5/1. Barrier slipformer scheduled to return 5/13.
  • March: Continue painting Stuctural Steel during day and night shifts.


  • Crack repairs and punch list ongoing.


  • August: Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch approved 7/31/24 and Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch made 8/4-8/5 – including opening Engr Rd Rt Turn onto LA23SB. Phase 1 settlement remediation started 8/5. X Street drainage (2-3 weeks) and widening (3-4 weeks) to start once AT&T duct bank relocation is completed – expected 8/31/24. Entergy relocating 2 poles along X Street before widening begins. Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  Access will be provided for local traffic.
  • July: X Street drainage and widening to start once AT&T duct bank relocation is completed – expected 7/31/24. Awaiting approval for Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation.
  • June: X Street closed at west end starting Monday, 6/10/24 for AT&T duct bank relocation, drainage and widening of X Street.  Local traffic re-routed through West W St and North Tunnel Rd.  NW Approach and Engineers Right Turn asphalt completed 6/24 with additional asphalt work planned on Engineers Rd. Traffic Switch for LA23SB traffic to move to permanent LA23SB lanes scheduled for 6/25/24, but delayed by DOTD.  X Street drainage upgrades started 4/8 on West end and continues east.  Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  Access will be provided for local traffic.
  • May: NW MSE Wall construction continues. NW Stage A MSE wall closure pour placed 4/23.  NW Stage B MSE wall closure pour placed 5/14 with level up placed 5/17. Engr Rd drainage finishing. Engr Rd Right Turn onto LA23SB construction continues. Sidewalk and driveway placement started week of 4/8 for upcoming road widening.  Curb and gutter installation scheduled for week of 5/6 and asphalt paving scheduled for Engineers Rd and North LA23 on 6/3 – dependent on weather.  Additional asphalt paving will be completed north of Algiers Outfall Bridge at same time.  Outfall drainage construction started 4/15 adjacent to the PP Fire Dept and last pour made 5/24.  X Street drainage upgrades started 4/8 on West end and continues east.  Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  A full day closure for a drainage crossing has been delayed by weather and utility conflicts – more updates to come.  Access will be provided for local traffic. Weather will affect this schedule.
  • April: NW MSE Wall construction continues. NW Stage A MSE wall closure pour placed 4/23.  NW Stage B levelling slab placed 4/26. Engr Rd drainage continues. Engr Rd Right Turn onto LA23SB construction continues. Sidewalk and driveway placement started week of 4/8 for upcoming road widening.  Curb and gutter installation scheduled for week of 5/6 and asphalt paving scheduled for late week of 5/13 – dependent on utility relocations in the area.  Outfall drainage construction started 4/15 adjacent to the PP Fire Dept and is nearing completion.  X Street drainage upgrades started 4/8 on West end and continues east.  Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  A full day closure for a drainage crossing has been delayed by weather and utility conflicts – more updates to come.  Access will be provided for local traffic. Weather will affect this schedule.
  • March: NW MSE Wall construction continues. Engr Rd drainage continues as well as Engr Rd Right Turn construction continues.


  • August: Received approval for Phase 2.5 Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation on 7/31/24.  Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch made night of 8/4 thru morning of 8/5. Demolition remediation work and investigation work begin on 8/5/24 for the next 2 weeks.  8/5 – started jacking bridge at Bent 25. Repair work at Dr Bowen cul-de-sac to be completed.
  • July: Awaiting approval for Traffic switch for LA23SB to new bridge SB lanes to allow for Phase 1 settlement remediation.
  • June: Base installation completed 6/5. SW Approach asphalt paved 6/7. Traffic Switch for LA23SB traffic to move to permanent LA23SB lanes scheduled for 6/25/24, but delayed by DOTD. 
  • May: SW MSE Wall construction continues. SW Stage B MSE wall closure pour placed 5/13 and level up at SW Stage B MSE wall placed 5/16.   Incidental concrete at Dr Bowen placed 5/22-5/23.  Excavation in LA23 SB lanes at Barriere Rd started week of 4/8 with subbase and base installation thru week of 4/15.
  • April: SW MSE Wall construction continues. SW Stage A MSE wall closure pour placed 4/22. SW stage B levelling pad placed 4/23. Incidental concrete at Dr Bowen to be placed.  Excavation in LA23 SB lanes at Barriere Rd started week of 4/8 with subbase and base installation thru week of 4/15.
  • March: SW MSE Wall construction continues.


  • August: Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch approved 7/31/24 and Phase 2.5 Traffic Switch made 8/4-8/5 – including opening Engr Rd Rt Turn onto LA23SB. X Street drainage (2-3 weeks) and widening (3-4 weeks) to start once AT&T duct bank relocation is completed – expected 8/31/24. Entergy relocating 2 poles along X Street before widening begins. Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  Access will be provided for local traffic.
  • July: X Street closed at west end starting Monday, 6/10/24 for AT&T duct bank relocation. X Street drainage and widening will start once AT&T relocation is complete – expected by 7/31/24.  Local traffic re-routed through West W St and North Tunnel Rd. 
  • June: X Street closed at west end starting Monday, 6/10/24 for AT&T duct bank relocation, drainage and widening of X Street.  Local traffic re-routed through West W St and North Tunnel Rd.  Engineers Right Turn asphalt completed 6/24 with additional asphalt work planned on Engineers Rd. X Street drainage upgrades started 4/8 on West end and continues east.  Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  Access will be provided for local traffic.
  • May: Dr Bowen constructed and functional.  Incidental concrete at Dr Bowen placed 5/22-5/23.  Excavation in LA23 SB lanes at Barriere Rd started week of 4/8 with subbase and base installation thru week of 4/15. Engr Rd drainage continues. Engr Rd Right Turn onto LA23SB construction continues. Sidewalk and driveway placement started week of 4/8 for upcoming road widening.  Curb and gutter installation scheduled for week of 5/6 and asphalt paving scheduled for Engineers Rd and North LA23 on 6/3 – dependent on weather.  Additional asphalt paving will be completed north of Algiers Outfall Bridge at same time.  Outfall drainage construction started 4/15 adjacent to the PP Fire Dept and is nearing completion – dependent on utility relocations.  X Street drainage upgrades started 4/8 on West end and continues east.  Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  A full day closure for a drainage crossing has been delayed by weather and utility conflicts – more updates to come.  Access will be provided for local traffic. Weather will affect this schedule.
  • April: Dr Bowen constructed and functional.  Incidental concrete to be placed in April.    Outfall drainage construction started 4/15 adjacent to the PP Fire Dept. and is nearing completion.  X Street drainage upgrades started 4/8 on West end and continues east.  Drainage work from 7 AM to 5 PM with intermittent partial closures, but currently delayed by utility conflicts.  A full day closure for a drainage crossing has been delayed by weather and utility conflicts – more updates to come.  Access will be provided for local traffic. Weather will affect this schedule.
  • March: Dr Bowen constructed and functional.  Incidental concrete to be placed as utilities are finished. Water line repairs at X Street completed in March.  Drainage work starts at X Street at the end of March.


  • July & August: Demo barge being outfitted and prepped for start of Existing Lift Bridge Demo.  Preparations made for Tunnel Decommissioning.
  • Phase 2 traffic switch occurred 12/20/23 and permanently closed the tunnel to public traffic.
  • 5/20/23: Bike and pedestrian access through the tunnel closed.


  • August: AT&T and Entergy working on LA23/Engr Rd/West W St relocations. AT&T working to complete by 8/31/24 and Entergy pole relocations to be completed any time now before X St widening can begin.
  • June & July: AT&T and Entergy working on LA23/Engr Rd/West W St relocations. AT&T working to complete by 7/31/24 and Entergy pole relocations to follow first week in August.
  • May: AT&T and Entergy working on LA23/Engr Rd/West W St relocations.
  • April: AT&T working on LA23/Engr Rd/West W St relocations in April.
  • March: AT&T working to get PPG permit and get released back to work.  Finalizing PP water repairs also to continue.



Construction Timeframes

2020-2025 2020-2025
LATE 2023 LATE 2023
EARLY 2025 EARLY 2025
LATE 2025 LATE 2025


Design input on bridge and park


Lane closures, construction

LATE 2023

Tunnel Permanently Closed

EARLY 2025

Open new bridge

LATE 2025

Veterans Park construction starts